Egg Production Overview
Knowing how to optimize a Layer house for today’s trends is the key for success.
Agrotop has vast experience with all types of egg production methods. Our solutions include semi- and fully automated systems that raise growth efficiency such as micro-climate control, egg handling, manure drying/transportation, and more.
Agrotop’s solutions are used for large integration projects down to small mobile houses. We assist our customers in pre-planning to optimize the project outcomes.
The key to designing and implementing a successful table egg project is to regard it as a sophisticated food project. We guide our customers in the decision-making process to ensure that they will be able to provide the quantity and quality of eggs required by the target market.
An integrated table egg layer project can be designed for cage, colony (euro standard), aviary (barn) or free range birds.
While working with our customers we assist them in optimizing the project outcomes, taking into consideration:
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Risk
- Market niche and seasonality
- Modularity
- Biosecurity
- Bird welfare and market acceptance
- Logistics and traceability
Pullets, Breeding and Layer Parent Stock
Very large projects justify having their own breeding and parent stock flocks. Most projects will begin with purchasing day-old chicks from a hatchery or chick supplier. We can provide fully equipped hatchery and breeding sheds and can also help growers source day-old chicks.
Day-old chicks grow in a specialized pullet house for about 120 days. We recommend that the pullet house should be of a similar nature to the laying sheds (cage, colony, barn or free-range birds).
Grain Elevator and Feed Mill
Some 80 percent of egg cost is derived from the feed the birds eat. We are well positioned to assist clients who wish to produce their own feed. The grains can be purchased, outsourced or self-grown.
Laying Sheds
A well-balanced farm should maintain a balance of three-layer sheds for each pullet shed. This will guarantee a reasonable and stable production of eggs in both size and quantity, regardless of whether the farm is free range, aviary or conventional.
The heart and brain of a layer farm is the computer controller, which maintains optimum climate conditions, and regulates and monitors feed, water and egg collection. It provides early warning on impending problems and improves profitability.
The litter will be removed automatically by conveyor and collected to use in compost or biogas plants.
The eggs will be collected automatically to a central collection shed where they can be sorted and packed to send to distributor or end customer.
Often a table egg layer project includes further processing, such as for an egg breaking plant to produce pasteurized or dried eggs for the food industry. Besides providing another source of income, such a plant, also serves to regulate stocks of fresh eggs.
Our Solutions

Modern 21st century broiler houses are designed to keep ideal in-house conditions that allow Broilers, raised for commercial meat production, to reach their genetic potential.

Agrotop has designed and erected partial and full vertical integration projects in several continents, all achieving excellent growth and financial results.

Our mobile houses feature a flexible structure in which all parts and elements are designed for movement. Mobile free range houses are suitable for large integration projects as well as small scale organic farming.