Turkey Breeder Houses
Turkey Breeding could be what you were looking for to boost your business.
Turkey Breeding is suitable for growers with large operations of Turkey Broilers, wishing to improve their Broiler growth results or expand their business into a vertical integration. Turkey breeding requires expert knowledge – the breeding houses are separate for males and females, which are artificially inseminated and lay their eggs in specially designed laying nests. Maintaining high bio-security standards is critical to the success of the project and a maximum percentage of hatching eggs. Agrotop has built Turkey Breeder houses for over 20 years in different locations and climates around the world with excellent results and fast ROI. We are the perfect choice for your project.
Business Oriented
Every egg counts! We have experience integrating all aspects required to reach perfect bird conditions and financial results. We’ve done it in over 40 countries. Let us show you how.
Laying nests
Agrotop’s laying nests provide comfortable conditions to the female, prevent outside interruptions and keep the eggs clean. When Brooding is spotted, the brooders can be easily transported to the brooding treatment area.
Easier process
Designated Insemination rooms, Isolated and built at a lower level than the house allow easy bird serving to the Inseminator and contribute to higher bio-security standards and results.
High Biosecurity
Agrotop’s houses maintain a high levels of biosecurity standard, and are geared with a pneumatic system to fill the feed bins from feeding trucks parked outside the farm fences. Biosecurity is a key factor for achieving good growth and economic results.
Some things to be aware of when planning Turkey Breeders

Some examples