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Agrotop to present vertical integration solutions for extreme heat at Nigeria Poultry

Agrotop will exhibit Vertical Integration solutions designed to resist extreme heat and adapt to varying humidity conditions at the Nigeria Poultry Show (NPS) 2018, which will take place 6-8 November at Abeokuta, Nigeria.

Agrotop, together with local Nigerian partner Agrited will showcase its line of solutions for livestock construction projects ideal for medium and large enterprises at booths A-13, A-14, A-15, A-19.

Agrotop has acquired extensive experience in successfully completing complicated projects in difficult climate zones all over the world. The company has already completed several projects in Nigeria.

This included the establishment of the Yola Project in the isolated Nigerian jungle. The greenfield integration project includes a hatchery and houses for broiler breeder pullets, broiler breeders, layer-breeder pullets and layer breeders as well as commercial layer pullets and commercial layers.

Agrotop has also built the Amo Farms 8 EC Poultry houses and slaughterhouse, which runs a semi-automated line with capability of 1,000 birds per hour and adheres to the highest European food industry standards. Its plug-in cooling units allow reliable, easy maintenance of the Cold Storage.

“Agrotop emphasized during the last year its leading position in the field of poultry vertical integration solutions in Africa,” said Gavriel Pelleg, Agrotop’s CMO and founding partner. “NPS provides us with an opportunity to further strengthen our position in the fast-growing West African market.”

Agrotop has won this year two large scale poultry projects in Africa, worth together more than $100 million. The company was assigned by the government of the Republic of Sierra Leone to construct a large-scale layer and pullets farm. The farm will be comprised of 10,000 acres and will produce 194.5 million eggs a year, supplying the entire needs of Sierra Leone’s population for accessible and low-cost protein.

Earlier this year, Agrotop has been awarded a contract to develop a large-scale poultry integration project for Nutropia Poultry & Feed in Ethiopia, which will be one of the largest poultry farms in Africa and the Middle East. The new farm will eventually produce 24,000 tons of chicken meat per year.